How Do You Handle COVID-19? Two Important Principles

Dr. David Rafeedie

When someone asks the question, how are you handling COVID-19? What comes to mind? Do you say, “I hit the stores looking for toilet paper?” or “I am watching the news and getting depressed?” or…

When I ask that question of you, I am not thinking about any of those things. I am not thinking of the testing or the hospital beds we may or may not have if we need them. I am not talking about how often we wash our hands or the groups we are avoiding.

What I am wondering is, what are you pro-actively and positively doing with your time and your thoughts.

First, I am thinking about what you do in your business or profession if your clients or customers are not doing business. Predictably, after all of this, business is slow for many. Right now is a great time to work on foundational stuff that you usually are to busy to take the time for but need to get done.

Here are a couple of principles that will help make this time productive and fulfilling.

Principle number one: Do meaningful things for your business or profession.

A. Reorganize

I make it a habit to reorganize monthly to make sure I am staying on track. And if things are hectic and I feel close to being overwhelmed, I reorganize weekly. When you have a precise hold of your busyness, you will have peace of mind.

B. Catch up on administration

‘Nuff said.

C. Follow-up with clients and customers.

See how they are doing on a personal and professional level. Follow up is essential regardless, but as things have slowed down for you, it probably has for them too. Right now is a convenient time to show you care and to build a closer relationship.

Principle number two: Be intentional in how you think.

Even more critical for us than the above is our well-being. If we do not have well-being, then principle number one will be difficult and truthfully, not as meaningful. Personal well-being is the key to fulfillment.

Let’s face it, people are scared, and some are panicking. If you haven’t noticed, then you have not been shopping. Panicked people are hoarding things. If they were not hoarding, everyone would have enough. Shelves are empty, and it looks like one of those post-apocalyptic movies. Whole states are shutting down. IT’S THE END OF THE WORLD! Ok, just kidding.

Fear is contagious, and group fear is dangerous. When you feel fear, stop, and ask yourself the following question:

1. What is it I am afraid of?

If you can’t pinpoint an answer, then you probably do not need to be afraid. Let’s face it; we are not going to starve, and we are not going to be mobbed by zombies. When fear reigns, our emotions control us. And as someone has said, “Emotions got no brains.”

We are going to get through this. You are going to get through this. Before you know it, we will all be shaking hands again.

The point is, be intentional about how you think. Think about the blessings in your life. Think about the good people in your life, your friends and loved ones. Touch base with them by Skype or Facetime. Find some way to “see” them as you talk with them.

Here is some wisdom from the bible that will benefit everyone regardless of your faith or non-faith. Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8

I also recommend practicing the replacement principle. When fear arises, stop, and think. Ask yourself the question above. Refuse to be fearful and replace the alarm with a blessing from your life.

I am not making light of the COVID-19 virus or the circumstances we are facing as a people. The generations before us faced dire circumstances without the technology or medical advances we have today. They have suffered more significant shortages and experienced life and death situations, and as a people, we have become stronger for it.

We can allow the times we face to weaken us, or we can enable this “winter” time in history to strengthen our character and build our resolve. It is a choice we intentionally make. We can cave, or we can stand.

See if this makes sense to you. We must live in our circumstances, but we can also live above them. We walk in the present, but our view is more significant than the immediate. Right now is winter time but spring and summer are coming.

But do not let this time go to waste. Be intentional and do meaningful things. Think good thoughts and touch the lives of others for good. Perhaps this is the beginning of a new age of unity, as some have suggested. But you and I have no control over that. We can only control ourselves. How and what we think determines what we do and how we do it. How will this time define you? What will people say of you after this time is over?

Right now could be the opportune time to connect with a coach. I would love to touch base and help. I am passionate about partnering with others for growth. Email me at, or text me and I will call you to start a conversation to see if I can help you.

If you are reading this on social media, check out my website at  You will also find more blogs on fear, leadership, transitions, and other subjects dealing with success factors.