There is the Most Popular Place on Earth


Dr. David Rafeedie

“There” is the most popular place on earth. It is the most beautiful and sought-after destination in everyone’s life. It is natural to want to get “there.” If I could sell tickets to “there” I would make a fortune doing it. “There” is a mysterious and wonderful place. It is a place where dreams await to be realized. It is a place of fulfillment and sense of accomplishment. “There” is always located ahead of you.

For most people, getting “there” is not a straight path. There are zags and zigs along the way. Sometimes the path is bumpy or even hazardous. There are times when you may get tired and find yourself at a rest stop—you may even get stuck at the rest stop wondering how to get back on the path to “there.” Most of us have a “there” we want to reach. It might be a personal “there” or a business or professional “there.” Whatever your “there” is or located, “there” is where you want to be.

You have heard the expression, “There is no there, there.” But there is always a there. Tomorrow is a “there.” Every destination has a “there.” It may not be the “there” you want or were hoping for, but you will get to a “there.” However, to get your “there,” the “there” you want to achieve or arrive to, requires intentionality.

As I was thinking about this short blog and writing it, I was reminded of the hilarious Abbot and Costello routine when Costello proves to a gangster that he, the gangster, isn’t really there. If you want or need a good laugh, here you go.

Abbot and Costello to the contrary, you are where you are. You may wish you weren’t where you are, but there is no way around it. And if you are not satisfied with where you are, and you want to get to your “there,” it requires some thought and work. It also requires perseverance and help.

While “there” can be a little mysterious, there are certain characteristics of your “there” you must know if you want to arrive.

1.    Here is a truism, to know where you want to go, you must first know where you are. That may sound elementary, but the reality is, not everyone knows where they are. It is easy to get lost in the moment as you put one foot in front of the other to keep moving in the busyness of life and work. Stopping to assess where you are on your path to “there” is critically important.

2.    You must know what “there” looks like. In other words, you must know where “there” is. There is where you want your business to be in five years. Or it is where you want to be professionally. Wherever or whatever your “there” is, you must know where it is to get there.

3.    You must know how to get there—how to navigate the path. The path isn’t always well marked. The GPS you used to get to where you are may not be accurate to get you “there.” It is better to have a topo map and a compass to navigate the ups and downs of the path.

4.    You must be intentional. You must put together the right plan to get you to your “there.” Planning requires taking the time to think through and plot your course. You must look ahead to where you can’t see. You have to project what you will need. You must prioritize and focus on the strategic.

5.    You must have the courage to make the trip. All the planning in the world means nothing unless you implement. Implementing your plans, taking the first step on the path, requires courage. You must leave the comfort of your “now” to get to your “there” of the future.

Where you are now used to be your “there.” You may have gotten to where you are now by luck, planning, or blessing. But getting there probably was not an easy path. Now you want to get from where you are to where you want to be next. You already know getting to “there” isn’t easy. Anything worthwhile requires an investment of time and energy. It is work. Sometimes identifying where “there” is isn’t easy either. That too requires some time and thought.

That is where coaching can help. Think of a coach as someone who can help you read your topo map and use your compass to get you to where you to your destination. Contact me at and let’s have a conversation. I would love to meet you. If you want to know more about coaching, see my website at