David Rafeedie, ACC

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Elephant Yoga

Dr. David Rafeedie

 Any goat yoga enthusiasts out there? Goat yoga is gaining practitioners. My wife has a cousin who practices goat yoga. There are goat yoga studios and goat yoga retreats. The goats are mostly kids because the goat climbs on the yogi while doing their yoga, and a mature goat might be a bit heavy. Apparently, goat yoga is a form of animal therapy as well as the physical and other benefits of yoga that humans experience. I imagine the hope is the goat does not poop or pee too much while yoga is taking place. But there is a plus side to that also because goat poop does not stink and makes excellent fertilizer. So, there are also botanical benefits to goat yoga. Hmmm.

 I thought of goat yoga as I was reflecting on the current business environment. I liken the setting we are currently operating in as elephant yoga. We are being stretched while having the great weight of shutdowns and restrictions placed on us. And sometimes, heartbreakingly, the great weight feels like it has crushed us. Some businesses will never reopen again. Those are not just businesses; they represent shattered dreams and hopes. Others are struggling to survive. Professionals in various sectors, profit and non-profit, are also feeling the weight of the “elephant” as they are being stretched. I know I have in my coaching business.

 What are we to think and do? One thing you should not do is rent an elephant and do yoga with it even though it is a smashing idea—sorry. But there is something you can do. Here are a couple of general principles to think about that I hope will bring you encouragement regardless of where you find yourself.

First, being stretched is good for you. It will make you more flexible to face the unseen future. And remember, the future is upon us as soon as tomorrow. As we have all experienced, change can happen quickly, and we must flex with the change. Being flexible is essential during times like this. Flexibility breeds creativity, and creativity can be motivating.

 Here is something else to reflect on; weight is good for you because it strengthens character and builds endurance. It is the tough times in life that facilitate personal growth, and personal growth will impact your business and profession and everything you do. It has great personal benefits too, and if you have a family, they also will feel the impact of your growth.

 The times we are living in are not what most of us would say are ideal; I am being gentle. But with the right attitude, you can leverage the times to make you stronger and more flexible for whatever the future holds.

Tip Remember, you do not have to know the future; you just have to be equipped to walk into it well.