David Rafeedie, ACC

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Blind Transitions: Leading Through the Darkness

Dr. David Rafeedie

The dictionary defines transition as the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another. I like the word process. Some are lengthy processes, and others are sudden and short.

For example, if you are lucky, you have had 18 years to prepare to be empty nesters. If you are not so fortunate, it is a much longer process! You can tell I love being an empty nester. Kids starting school is another one. You know it will happen in five or six short years, so you have time to steel yourself. Retirement is another transition you have plenty of time to prepare, or so it seems anyway.  You make plans to either sell the business or you put a succession plan in place for the next generation.

In the examples of transition above, people have time to prepare. To dream or think about what life will be like afterward.

Other transitions come upon us suddenly. We don’t have time to plan for them, and we can’t see what is on the other side.

One of my clients, let us call him Bill, is a small business owner whose prosperous small business has had to close due to COVID-19. He had to lay off employees. Income has dried up, and he is not sure if he will reopen. He is trying to keep optimistic. He is doing the things that he did not have time for before the shut-down. When his past customers drive past his building, they see his car parked there every day. As Bill and I talked, he realized that he could stay busy doing meaningful things to be prepared to hit the ground running when things open again. He had a lot of creative ideas to make his business even more successful and was planning while he had the time. He was energized despite the COVID-19 climate.

It’s a process even when you can’t see the other side. The important thing is to realize that even when you can’t see the other side of the transition, you can lead through the darkness. And you have some control over certain aspects of the transition. The most significant area of control you have is you!

You have control over you. The way you think, your view of things, your emotions. Self-control is vital in life in general. But when going through a dark transition, it is imperative to have. If you panic or you get down and enjoy a little pity party, or if you think the worst, your dark transition will be a difficult time to manage through. Here is a secret you must remember—transitions are not the end. Transitions are a process, not a permanent event or condition.

Here are a couple of essential principles that will help you lead through the darkness.

1. Keep your eyes, ears, and mind open. Stay informed with relevant information. The more information you have the better the decisions you will make. Stay connected to others and talk. Network, share ideas, and have the courage to ask for help if you need help. Above all, think! Keep focused and stay sharp in your thinking. Do not let your negative emotions overrule your intellect. As someone has said, “Emotions got no brains!”

2. Plan to be flexible and change where you must change. Say what you will about the government response to COVID-19. The one thing they are is flexible. As more information came in, they changed tactics to match the new facts. They started in the dark, and they do not see when the end will be, but they are managing through the darkness and changing when the new facts dictate.

3. Have the will to persevere. If you do not persevere, you cannot come back. Perseverance is always the key to success for entrepreneurs and professionals looking to get ahead. It is critical for life in general. A great example of persistence is Moses. He had, by some estimates, six million people complaining about him or to him for 40 years under trying circumstances. There were times he wanted to throw in the towel, but he did not. He came back; he hung in there and led his people to the promised land.

Here is a key to remember, you may not have had time to plan for the sudden dark transition, but you can manage your way through the darkness successfully.

These are unprecedented times with the COVID-19 health crisis. Or you may be going through your own blind transition, and this is a dark time for you for other reasons. I would love to help you lead through the dark transition. Email me at info@davidthecoach.com, text, or call 520-709-1860. Let’s have a conversation. I am sure you will find it valuable and meaningful.

If you are reading this on social media, check out my website at www.davidthecoach.com.  You will also find more blogs on fear, leadership, transitions, and other subjects dealing with success factors. 


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